Sunday, May 30, 2010

America's negitive image.

Over the past decades America has gained weight and become more lazy. McDonald's and Burger King are everywhere. Starbucks and Krispy Kreme have drive-thrus. And I am yet to find a Subway drive-thru. Does anyone else see a problem with this? American's daily eat fast food because it is convenient in their busy lives. People stop at Starbucks every morning to get their caffeine fix so they can function. Well let me tell you all something. That is bull shit.

I for one have never, ever had a cup of coffee. Coffee is the same thing as the next hot electronic that comes out (currently the Ipad). You need it! How would you be able to survive without it? I manage to wake up early everyday and do just fine, and you know why... because I am happy. Everyday is a gift. Do people really need coffee to make it through the day? No, I don't think so. Just like cigarettes have "the patch" for nicotine, soon coffee addicts (and I mean addicts) will have their very own "patch" to help them get by. Starbucks is a joke that truly shows how stupid this great country is. All coffee drinkers are mind washed. They think they need the coffee, the caffeine and the energy. They go through withdrawals from coffee. Folks let me tell you it is all mental. I promise you that if you took your cup of coffee and filled it with coffee flavored water, you would feel fine. Yogi Berra (a Hall of Fame Baseball player) once said "Baseball is 90% mental, the other half in physical." Well the same goes for life, 90% is mental. Instead of investing $5-$20 daily in Starbucks, save it, put it toward a house or better yet, donate it to people who need it. Hurricane victims are struggling all over the world, genocide is happening everywhere, and people are jobless in our own country, and yet all you can think about is Coffee.

Fast food is even worse. They are the same as cigarette companies. Just like cigarette companies use kid friendly pictures to draw you in, fast food chains use happy meal toys. As a 7 year old you go to McDonald's have get that double cheeseburger with a toy, you will never want to leave. 20 years later you have good memories of your local fast food place and you keep going back. They sucker you right in, just like cigarettes. Sure I am guilty of a Big Mac here and there, but I would say maybe once a month when I am on a 6 hour drive and trying to make time. Fast food is replacing / replaced the classic American Diner we see in old movies. Imagine if all the scenes in the movie "Grease" were set in Wendy's. Or worse, if the Diner in the TV Show "Saved By the Bell" was a Burger King. Diners stood for more then food, they were a place for people to gather and relax, fast food industry has taken that away. And I didn't even touch on the fact that fast food is unhealthy beyond belief. I leave the film "Super Size Me" to do the talking for that one.

In short America has been taken over by companies that speed up life. They are not needed and if you ask me, they take away what makes this country great. People are always saying that this is the best time to live in America, well I believe it is the best time not to live in America. We have lost the American Dream. Or wait, is the American Dream to be skinny? To follow one of the 10 diet ads you see on TV as you eat your quarterpounder? With the rise of fast food came the rise diet companies. Seriously, our country is just creating things that we dont need. We are making our own problems. Forget the diet, stop eating fast food, have an apple and go for a walk.

Keep on smiling

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