Sunday, August 29, 2010

Major League Sports with Major Pay

This is the time of the year where you can walk down the street and almost every time you will see someone wearing a sports jersey or hat. Baseball is heating up with wild card races and MVP races, football preseason is almost over and it seems as though everyday is a fantasy draft. Both basketball and hockey are about to start and European soccer has just gotten underway. College's are heating up with the start of football season. As a result for all this, millions and millions of dollars are about to spent by the fans and the teams. But at what point does the spending go to far?

First lets start with the fans. Kid me not, I am as bad as the worst of them. My room is covered in sports jerseys, scarves and flags. One of my few conditions for the person I marry, is that they must be willing to spend our life savings on front row tickets for the Baltimore Orioles when (if they ever) make the World Series. So now that we established that I am part of the problem, lets examine the problem. Fans will spend absurd amounts of money of things they do not need. Or better yet, too much money on stuff they want. The sports industry in whole is a monopoly. They realize they can jack up the prices on anything related to sport, simply because they are the only ones. You can go compare grocery stores for prices, electric stores for quality and prices but you can not compare sports. A football ticket is a football ticket no matter where you are, though worse teams will be cheaper. A baseball jersey is not changing in price unless you buy on ebay. What if you live in Seattle, Washington and want to watch the New York Knicks on TV. You go online and buy the NBA's online TV option. There is really no other way. All the TV packages are going to be the same price. And with the rapid growth and media coverage of sports, the fan wants more and more to prove their loyalty. I keep waiting for the Baltimore Orioles to reward me somehow for being a email subscriber for the past 7 years. Though I do always get a lovely email on my birthday. The demand for sports is at a place it has never been before and as such fans are spending more and more money.

The teams themselves do not make it easier. Walk into an beer store and buy a case of Bud Light for between 12 and 15 dollars. Go to a sports game and buy 1 beer for 8 dollars. As if the small fortune we paid to go to the game didn't prove our loyalty to the team, our 8 dollars will prove that we love the team so much we will pay for the team to have a good image with the beer company. And of course we must wear 90 dollar jerseys to the games. Because we all know that if you wear a plain T-Shirt or hooded sweatshirt you are not as dedicated of a fan. The fans need the approval of the other random fans you pass while walking into the stadium. That is crucial to proving your dedication. When Babe Ruth played baseball, people wore suits to the games. They enjoyed the sport and the game. Another problem the athletes have.

Today, the major athletes get paid for 1 season the amount if not more than most people will make in a lifetime. And most of these athletes have little or no education. 2 of the most known faces in sports, Derek Jeter (of the New York Yankees) and Kobe Bryant (of the Los Angles Lakers) did not attend college. Though both athletes have done numerous great things for their cities, their education is not there at all. And athletes demand salaries that are just unheard of. Refusing 10 million dollars for 11.5 million before they play 1 professional game is just wrong. Athletes need to step back and realize that they are some of the most lucky people in the world, having a career in sports is what little boys and girls everywhere dream of. Most athletes are living their dreams, and yet their dreams are not good enough alone. I am still convinced that one day some owner will put together a team of "nobody's" that just love to play the game and that team will win. Because they will playing for love, not contract extensions.

The sports industry has taken advantage of the interest market and blown it out of portion. If only 1/10th of the money that goes into the professional sports market went into feeding the hungry and housing the homeless then this country would be on pace to fixing lots of problems. Maybe the professional sports leagues should do just that, take 1/10th of every sale, no matter ticket sales, clothing sales, or food sales and use it for the common good of the country. That is the though I will leave you with.

Keep on smiling

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I am sorry I have not posted in 2 months now. I have been working at a summer camp in Maine. I have tons of stuff to write about and will start posting again very soon. Please check back for more as the weeks go on. I promise to not disapoint.

Keep on smiling

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Value of Life

Today's post may seem a little random to alot of people, but there is a reason behind it, so let me explain to start. A little over a year ago I volunteered to help run a philanthropy week because honestly, nobody else would step up and I was bored. Well running this philanthropy week ended up changing my life and giving me a whole new prospective on what I enjoy doing. Since then, I have helped out with a few other philanthropy events, and done a fair amount of community service. I also recently applied to be on the executive board of my local Relay For Life group. Just yesterday I received an email saying I got a position. That is a brief overview of my thoughts leading into this post.

Too many people in today's society do not value life. They go about running from place to place and not enjoying the day. My goal is not just to help people by raising money and volunteer efforts for those who need it, but to help people learn to take a few minutes every day and smile. The smile is the greatest gift we have, weather you believe in God or not, somehow you are here on this planet and have the ability to smile and it needs to be taken advantage of.

I was once in an interview for a leadership position and one of the questions was something along the lines of "what is your first thought when you wake up?" My response was "It is morning, time to smile!" No matter rain or shine, everyday we have is a new day, a day to try something different, meet someone new. Today could be the day you fall in love, the day you finally try that one crazy thing you have always wanted to do, or even be your last day on earth. Accidents happen everyday, it is sad but the truth. So why not wake up every morning and smile?

Every time one of my friends comes to me with a problem, weather it be relationship troubles, career troubles, family troubles or something else, my typical response is to ask them what is the worst that can happen. They normally say something about losing their significant other, or losing their job etc. From there I tend to point out that their are plenty of other worse things in the world. For example if you are fortunate enough to be reading this post, then you can afford a computer or have access to a computer. Take a trip to the Ivory Coast, or parts of China, or Brazil, and take a look at the life style their. With the huge advancement in technology that America has made, we have also corrupted ourselves and helped our citizens forget the real meaning in life. My point is that your worse case may be a dream for someone else. Take every day you have, make the best of it, and when something bad happens in your life ask yourself how it could be worse, is this really that bad and what can i learn from it. When you wake up tomorrow, or when you finish reading this try putting on a smile, see what happens.

Keep on Smiling.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

USA Vs. The World

As many of you should know by now, yesterday was a historic day. The United States of America played England in a World Cup game, the first time in over 50 years. The outcome was a 1-1 draw, leaving each team with 1 point in the group stage. As the players left the field, Americans rejoiced while English fans were in agony. What gives Americans the right to rejoice? Why did the New York Post headline read "USA WINS 1-1"? I would hardly call a tie a victory. 1 years ago we advanced to the Finals of the Confederations Cup and lost to Brazil 3-2. We took down arguably the best team in the world, Spain, in the semi-finals. Why is this tie so good for us. People everywhere are saying that it will be huge if we get out of group stage. I am sorry, but we ranked 14th in the World, we are one of the largest countries population wise. Rec league soccer is the 2nd most popular sport behind little league Baseball for young kids, and we most certainly have the facilities to support a top of the line team.

I will gladly accept a 1-1 draw, but not cheer for it. We should expect to draw the top teams in the world. After all, are we not one of the top teams in the world? Our top players play for some of the top club teams in the world. Our younger players are not even in their prime yet and are sure to have large impacts in the future. Everything else America competes in, we expect to win, why not Soccer, "the worlds game"? Better yet, why are English fans disappointed with the result? OK, aside from the fact that our 1 goal was a huge blunder on Robert Green (the England Goalie), he also saved England from defeat a few times. Why can the English not accept the fact that America is good at "futbol." If England shared a group with Brazil, Germany, France or any other international powerhouse, they wouldn't be thrilled with a tie, but they wouldn't be as upset.

Both America and the rest of the World need to wake up and realize that the players who take the field for America are good. We have a real chance at doing well this World Cup. We should not be considering a tie with England a "win", we should consider it a tie. We should expect to beat the rest of our group and advance to the knockout stage. Americans need to realize that the World Cup is as important as elections, in fact the World Cup can influence elections and politics. Americans need to stop and realize that playing in the World Cup is a huge deal. Get off our lazy butts, take 2 hours out of your day, go to a bar or a screen set up in a public place and watch history! And the rest of the World should not be upset when they tie or lose to America. We may not be a powerhouse, but we are not a joke. We know how to play the game, we are not just playing to lose, we believe we have as good a shot to win this thing and the next country. They also need to understand that we are going to call the game Soccer, and call the "pitch" a field. It is a tie to Americans, not a draw. If soccer really is the Worlds sport than the World needs to accept how we play the game and what we call the game. The World needs to understand that we are here to play soccer, and we are here to make a statement.

Stop celebrating over yesterdays tie. Look at the tape and realize we could have won that game, just as easily as we could have lost that game. The next few weeks will be a huge test for Americans. If we lose, people will not care, when in fact they should. If we win we will celebrate, but not as much as we should. It is time to wake up, drink your coffee and realize this is big. This is more than big. This game defines the World, changes countries, starts wars and ends them. Makes economies run and can break them down. This is the World Cup, this is Soccer. GO AMERICA!

Keep on smiling

Sunday, May 30, 2010

America's negitive image.

Over the past decades America has gained weight and become more lazy. McDonald's and Burger King are everywhere. Starbucks and Krispy Kreme have drive-thrus. And I am yet to find a Subway drive-thru. Does anyone else see a problem with this? American's daily eat fast food because it is convenient in their busy lives. People stop at Starbucks every morning to get their caffeine fix so they can function. Well let me tell you all something. That is bull shit.

I for one have never, ever had a cup of coffee. Coffee is the same thing as the next hot electronic that comes out (currently the Ipad). You need it! How would you be able to survive without it? I manage to wake up early everyday and do just fine, and you know why... because I am happy. Everyday is a gift. Do people really need coffee to make it through the day? No, I don't think so. Just like cigarettes have "the patch" for nicotine, soon coffee addicts (and I mean addicts) will have their very own "patch" to help them get by. Starbucks is a joke that truly shows how stupid this great country is. All coffee drinkers are mind washed. They think they need the coffee, the caffeine and the energy. They go through withdrawals from coffee. Folks let me tell you it is all mental. I promise you that if you took your cup of coffee and filled it with coffee flavored water, you would feel fine. Yogi Berra (a Hall of Fame Baseball player) once said "Baseball is 90% mental, the other half in physical." Well the same goes for life, 90% is mental. Instead of investing $5-$20 daily in Starbucks, save it, put it toward a house or better yet, donate it to people who need it. Hurricane victims are struggling all over the world, genocide is happening everywhere, and people are jobless in our own country, and yet all you can think about is Coffee.

Fast food is even worse. They are the same as cigarette companies. Just like cigarette companies use kid friendly pictures to draw you in, fast food chains use happy meal toys. As a 7 year old you go to McDonald's have get that double cheeseburger with a toy, you will never want to leave. 20 years later you have good memories of your local fast food place and you keep going back. They sucker you right in, just like cigarettes. Sure I am guilty of a Big Mac here and there, but I would say maybe once a month when I am on a 6 hour drive and trying to make time. Fast food is replacing / replaced the classic American Diner we see in old movies. Imagine if all the scenes in the movie "Grease" were set in Wendy's. Or worse, if the Diner in the TV Show "Saved By the Bell" was a Burger King. Diners stood for more then food, they were a place for people to gather and relax, fast food industry has taken that away. And I didn't even touch on the fact that fast food is unhealthy beyond belief. I leave the film "Super Size Me" to do the talking for that one.

In short America has been taken over by companies that speed up life. They are not needed and if you ask me, they take away what makes this country great. People are always saying that this is the best time to live in America, well I believe it is the best time not to live in America. We have lost the American Dream. Or wait, is the American Dream to be skinny? To follow one of the 10 diet ads you see on TV as you eat your quarterpounder? With the rise of fast food came the rise diet companies. Seriously, our country is just creating things that we dont need. We are making our own problems. Forget the diet, stop eating fast food, have an apple and go for a walk.

Keep on smiling

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The connection between Moses and Ohio State

Many people are probably reading this wondering how on earth Moses and Ohio State are connected. Well for starters let me tell you they are not connected at all. Well at least the biblical Moses is not. No, I am talking about a gentleman by the name of Moses I met at a blackjack table in Las Vegas on my recent journey to Sin City. He is the man who is connected to Ohio State. Now you are probably saying "how is blackjack in Las Vegas connected to Ohio State?" Please allow me.

A few weeks ago the students at OSU put on a "flash dance" in the middle of their student union during exam week. To this point the video has already passed 1 million views. ( For 3 minutes about 100 or so students and professors danced. They all showed up in Ohio State gear, smiling. For these 3 minutes nothing came into the mind of those dancers and people who were lucky enough to be there to watch. Nothing. Exam week is hands down the most stressful time of year for any student, but Spring semester exam week is different. Students are crammed in libraries and dorm rooms studying while the sun is shinning. Seniors are trying to find jobs and prepare for graduation, other students are packing before the dorms close, finding summer jobs and saying their goodbyes for the summer. All of this must be done with the added stress of finals. But these students and professors took it upon themselves to lighten the mood. For those 3 minutes everyone was at peace and happy. The worries of the "real world" were tossed out the window. To me this is more than just a stress break, this video, those dancers represent the real American ideal, a land of freedom and happiness.

Now we flash forward to Moses and the blackjack table. Keep in mind, I had a few drinks at this table, but I am a big boy now, I was sober. For the most part. After about 10 minutes of playing just the dealer and me, this gentleman walks over and sits down. The dealer recognizes him right away and introduces us. "Josh this is Moses, Moses this is Josh." What is my first though? "Oh great another Las Vegas nut job who thinks he is the next messiah." Boy was I wrong. Moses was just another tourist like myself, a good guy probably about 40 or so, just trying to relax. As the play went on the conversation carried on and got more and more intense. Soon I realized that Moses did not care if he won 500 dollars of lost 3000 dollars. He did not care how many Whiskey Sours I had or how many cranberry juices he had. What he did care about was myself and the dealer. While we sat there, we were the most important people in the world to him, we were his family. I swear if someone had run in with a gun he would have taken a bullet for me. Now why is this so important, because Moses not only realized but was living the idea that we only live one life and there is no reason to not be happy. This is an idea I had realized recently and been striving to live, but Moses, he lived it. He knew that everyday could be his last, every person he met he could change their life, and every minute he had was worth enjoying.

Both the dancers at OSU and Moses had one of the most important values of life in mind, happiness. Both realized there are more important things in this world than grades or money. The size of your house does not matter. When the dancers took the floor in the student union they were not thinking about how that dance would help them make money or get a job. In fact there is almost no way in which that dance will help them. When Moses sits down at a blackjack table, he does not to pay rent or put food on the table, he does it so he can enjoy his time. Too many people in today's world value money above happiness. Is 1 million dollars worth the stress and tension that divides your friends and family? Some people would say yes, I say no. Moses says no. The dancers at OSU say no. You only have one life, live it. Try something new, do something that makes you happy. Be kind to others for no reason other than the fact that they may be having a bad day. Anytime you are worried about something think to yourself "what is the worst that can happen? Is that really that horrible?" Most of the time the answer will be "no" it is not that bad. Everywhere you go, everything you do remember one simple thing, Smile. A day without smiling is the worst thing in the world. You will be happier if you smile more. Smile.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Irony behind Facebook

I will never forget when I first learned about Facebook. I was a sophomore in High School and the hot girl sitting next to me in Chemistry told me to get a Facebook. Since then my grades have tanked, my parties have been way to big and my life has been way to public. Seriously what is the point to Facebook? A place for college students to post pictures of themselves completed hammered from Friday night? Is Facebook not just a cheaper version of email. How many times have you come home from class or work and checked your email and then Facebook, because people communicate just as much important stuff on Facebook. Do not get me wrong, I love Facebook, I have 100's of friends over seas that I talk with through Facebook. It is easier. It is a great way to keep a conversation going with old friends. And I love seeing pictures from friends Weddings or their travels. But let us get to the Irony behind Facebook.

Facebook completely eliminates face to face conversation. People meet over Facebook all the time and then get drunk 2 nights later and hook up. I would not be surprised to see a wall post that says "Hey, want to grab dinner and movie Thursday night?" Seriously guys, we no longer have the balls to ask someone out in person. Facebook makes asking people out AND getting rejected easier. If you get rejected on Facebook it is almost like you never got rejected at all, I mean you can just tell your friends that it was over Facebook so it doesn't count. Also, it is in no way what-so-ever a book. It is a giant public web blog. Hell they should change the name from Facebook to Pictureblog. I mean that is much more realistic.

I also have no need to know that Jane Doe got a 4.0 this semester. YAY FOR YOU! How does that work? Let me check my grades..."I GOT A 4.0! I have to update my status now so everyone can tell me how awesome I am." Seriously how much more selfish can you be. Or better yes, when Nick Cool changes his status to read "Lunch with dad, then gym, then smoothie king, then dinner with mom." Cool. I now know your life. WHY THE FUCK DO I CARE! How is my life better because you are going to the gym? It is not.

I think that instead of logging on to Facebook, people should go to or something that is productive and will actually help you if you are ever able to find someone dumb enough to go a date with you. Bombs are falling in Israel, the World Cup is helping South Africa in more ways than soccer, Haiti is still recovering from a horrible disaster, but it is more important to see if that hot girl you met this weekend posted her pictures on Facebook. Do not get me wrong, Facebook is an amazing tool if used correctly, but it is also the beginning of the end of intelligence if it is used the way we use it now.

Now, if you will excuse me I must finish uploading my picture from my trip to Israel to Facebook. And no, I am not kidding, I promised my friends I would. Check them out.